Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Today is Claude Monet's birthday. He is 166 years old. He is famous for the Impressionist painting style that is showcased below. I noticed when reading about the period that the term impressionist was given by a critic who used the term sarcastically but caught on. I think that happens quite often in history. I cannot think about an example right now but I remember hearing about it. Monet was not the greatest artist in the world but I do enjoy looking at his work. He was an innovator and started a movement. Happy birthday Monet.
I received this image as a thank you card once. This bridge exists near his home.
Boats! I want to sail again. I have always wanted to take lessons but never seem to find the time.
Monet's waterlilies paintings are some of his most popular. Someone gave me a print of one a long time ago. It is over my bed right now.


Steph said...

I forgot about your love of Monet. Lovely. i heard you were looking for me yesterday at church. i have leftovers of manicotti if you're interested.

Anonymous said...

Wait, you like Monet? I thought that picture on the wall was just covering up a hole or some nasty stain!