Sunday, March 04, 2007

My life is over....

I am sitting here at 10:02pm Sunday, looking at the end of my life. It is over, done, fin...
I start my job tomorrow at Swaim Biological. I will be entering the real world. I will no longer be considered a student. I probably will not be able to schedule a nap at 2pm.

OK, so my job isn't what you would consider real world. While other people are strapped to a desk, I will be running around the hills of the bay area looking for these guys, the San Francisco Garter Snake and

The Alameda whip snake. I am not sure what I
will be doing with them once I find them or how my day is going to be structured. All I know is that I will be getting endangered species experience and experience working with animals. Quite a change from what I have been doing for my professional career. These things are defiantly not plants!

I guess I am excited about getting back to the work force. This is a big change. I have not had a real job since August of 2004!! I have been lucky to receive Fellowships and stipends which allowed to concentrate on my graduate project and not on some job. I have been my own boss for this entire time and I schedule my time as I see fit. I am not sure if I will like working for someone else. This is the reason why I am so worried about going back to work tomorrow. Change is scary sometimes...

I am sure I will get over it. I am excited about getting a nice big paycheck. I am also excited to live in the city and not be so poor. I can afford to go to all the concerts I want! Also, the job is outside and I get to hike around the hills. I could not work in a cubicle, that would kill me...
Here's to the rest of my life!


Anonymous said...

Over, not by a long shot. I would say it is just beginning. I am envious. First for not being chained to a desk in a cubicle like the rest of us, and for getting to see the San Francisco garter snake in the wild. Good Hunting. If you capture any on film, we would love to see them.


Erica said...

congrats on the new job and no longer being a bum.