Thursday, August 24, 2006

Disappointment with science

So I am disappointed with science today. First off at work today right out front of my work at the academy of science in Sf and there was a big crate of dinosaur fossils in the middle of the road. How careless they are. I mean how are those little cones going to protect a huge chunk of a dinosaur if a car hits it or if crack heads pick it up and run away with it. Fossils are pricy on the black market these days.

And then astronomers voted today to take away planet status from Pluto. lame. Now we only have 8 planets to get behind. Space is so empty, vast, and lonely you would think we would want to keep our solar system as large as we can. I am sure astronomers had their reasons. There was probably complex mathematical formula that they used to determine if Pluto was a planet or not but I still think it is a bad idea. The universe just got a little smaller.

1 comment:

Steph said...

well i figure that my world just keeps getting smaller, so it makes sense that the universe does too.