I just got back from the great state of
Utah. I was on vacation. It was relaxing. I even got to
shred the gnar for a day. Unfortunately there is a small snow pack out there but it did snow on sun and there was 11 inches up top when we went. It was nice... Oh and I should mention that it was free.
While we were having dinner at
sundance, a guy walked into a mall in Salt Lake and started shooting. He killed 5 people when he was done. A random act of violence that apparently does not happen in Salt Lake. A sad event for sure. What bothered me was this
story that ran with the rest of the coverage on Tuesday. This law is a bad idea. Very bad. Sure, the guy was stopped by a police officer with a concealed weapon, but he is a police officer and is trained to shoot it. What we do not need is a bunch of yahoos pulling out their guns and start shooting in a situation like this. People are stupid, especially in crowded situations. Just look what happened when they released the new PlayStation. The last thing that was needed in that situation is a fool with a gun...
Gun control is a good idea, no matter what rhetoric you may hear. Yes, yes, we know it is a constitutional amendment and all but something has to change. I think it is a good idea to regulate ammunition as well as guns. Right now you can walk into any store and buy tons of bullets without any problem. Wouldn't it be better to regulate this? I know that guns don't kill people, people kill people or whatever spin the NRA puts on the issue but it should be harder to get bullets. Why cant we have a national database of registered users like the Dmv or something? I know, I know you are going to be inconvenienced by having to wait to get guns and bullets but seriously, things have to change. Guns kill too many people in our country compared to the rest of the developed world. Things need to change.