Monday, February 05, 2007

big a** boat!!!!

coming home at 4:30 yesterday was a nightmare... traffic was at a standstill... At first I thought it was an accident, or a large Superbowl party, then I thought it was a sporting event... but no it was a boat...
Not an ordinarily boat mind you, but the biggest luxury liner in the world... It sailed under the Golden Gate and cleared it by 27 feet. Wow, i thought as I looked on the world wide web yesterday. It was crazy. People came from miles away to see the boat sail through the Golden Gate and into the bay. There was traffic for hours as people were trying to get out of the Presidio after the momentous event. Our quiet little street turned into a parking lot. Luckily I drove my scooter and was able to weave through the cars but that was a bit sketchy.

Bets, Bex and I are going to scoot over tonight and check this monster out! should be fun. Also, it is sweet the Queen Mary 2 is on a "around the world in 80 days" tour. So jealous!


freethoughtguy said...

Indeed, it was so crowded along the coast! Still, I saw the QM2 sail in and got some photos.

Erica said...

i was wondering what the hold up was. sorry i didn't make it to your place for the superbowl. others were congregating away from the presidio mayhem.